Monday, July 2, 2012

Ten Popular Lies

Isn't it interesting how some lies become so commonplace and overused that they actually become popular?  Lies that my parents would never have spoken, are now everyday expressions we have all heard.  Even when we don't use these lies ourselves,  we hear these statements all the time, even on the news or in movies.

Since I am always on the lookout for good lies, this morning my Infobarrel feed revealed an article that was written by another writer, DesperateJournalism.  His article is called "Top 10 Lies that Are Good for Business."  It is a delightful look at some of the lies we have all heard.

I don't want to give away all of the lies that he mentions in his article.  However, some of the ones you may have heard are: 

I have read and accepted all terms and conditions
I did not have sexual relations with that woman
It's not you, it's me

There are seven more in the article that I'm sure you have heard before, too!

Unfortunately, when a lie becomes too popular, no one believes it anymore.  Therefore, even if you have read all the terms and conditions, no one actually believes that you did!  Look at the lies I listed in my article, "Common Lies Men Tell Women."  Most smart women don't believe them anymore.  We just accept them as popular lies that guys use!

Think about some of the lies that you hear people say so often that you never believe them anymore.  I know that I simply roll my eyes (privately) when I hear people say "No problem," or "I would love to do that for you."  We all like to think we aren't creating problems for others but, of course, when we ask a favor it is always a hassle for the other person.  They are just too nice to say so!

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