Saturday, May 16, 2015

Fox News Tells More Lies Than Other Cable News

When you flip on the news, who should you believe?  Apparently, all the major cable news stations tell lies, or at least make misleading statements, during some of their news reports.  According to the Tampa Bay News PunditFact report, this is why it is wise to check important stories by obtaining the information you want from more than one news source.  If several news sources are telling basically the same story, there is a good chance that it will be mostly true. (Do I sound cynical?)

When PunditFact checked the "factual" information reported by several major cable news companies, they discovered some interesting results.  Here is the percentage of the time that the companies gave out information that was "mostly false," "false" or "pants on fire false."  In other words, the last category showed the number of times that they were telling flat-out, intentional lies that were intended to deceive the public.

Percentage of Lies Told on Cable News

Fox News:   60% of the time

MSNBC:    48% of the time

CNN:          18% of the time

This means that, of the three, the information on CNN was more accurate than the information provided on either of the other two cable news stations they studied.  However, even with CNN, there were some stories that were not completely accurate.  This is why it is a good idea to verify your information by using other news sources ... as many as possible.

Here are a few examples, provided by PunditFact, of the misleading or absolutely untrue statements that they found were made by employees of Fox News ... along with my personal incredulity that they actually believed they were reporting facts:

*  "The term Redskins was historically a term meant to show respect."  (Didn't they ever watch a Western when they were kids?)

*  "Liberals have figured out a way to ban conservatives from Facebook."  (My conservative husband and a number of my conservative friends from across the country are on Facebook, and they frequently promote posts by well-known conservative politicians.  Therefore, I personally know that this is patently untrue!)

*  "A claim was made by one reporter that a woman died because of Obamacare, because Blue Shield pulled out of California."  (My husband and I live in California and both my husband and my daughter have Blue Shield insurance.  I also know that this is completely untrue.)

Looking for more examples and details?  You can use the link below to check out the statistics and the specific lies that PunditFacts has determined were told on Fox News.

Just remember, they aren't the only news source that doesn't always tell the complete truth.  They are just the worst.

MSNBC came in a close second.  Isn't it a shame that we have to worry that our news may be fiction?  It is becoming more and more difficult to get unbiased news reports.


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